For this image, I made it restrictive as well as added some noise. I liked that it looked like an old television screen during a battle scene. The fuzziness adds a good amount of character to the image. For my second image, I made it black- white as well as added diffusion. I liked the overlay of the black and white on top of the already gray scaled image. The two mesh together and create a unique texture. For my third image I changed it to no dither and perceptual. I also changed it to only have two colors. This created a very unique background that was almost came like. It made the storm in the background look very defined. For my fourth image, I used restrictive along with no dither. I upped the colors back to auto. I love the colors that were added because it created a very unique color palette that is unlike any of the other images. For my fifth and final image, I wanted to do something completely different. I changed it to Mac OS with ...